752 Woodland Dr,
Sierra Madre, CA 91024
已成交 成交价: $33.9万 成交日期: 2022年03月22日
卧室: -- 浴室: -- / 独立屋



5572 平方英尺

1936 年

1 停车位

冷: NO

地产编号: PF21247229
所处郡县: LA
面积单价:$1883.33/sq.ft ($20,272 / 平方米)

You can't beat this amazing OPPORTUNITY to remodel/rebuild in the coveted city of Sierra Madre! Walk to Mary's Market, live amongst the beautiful Oaks and in the serenity of the canyon. Property has a legal water meter, electricity, parking and a garage. The structure has a new roof and is structurally sound. It has no amenities so bring your contractor and your imagination and make it yours TODAY! -Cash Only
