事实证明,作为一个名流去看房,可比一个普通人在一个小工作室外排队等着去看房,要有趣多了。除了更衣室里精心配制的冰沙,大批自由设计师的奇装异服,配备助理的助理,名流们在看房时还能得到很多额外的好处。据传,一些富豪和漂亮明星,甚至可以享受一场 "空中之旅"--房?中介派专机伺候,再由司机驾豪车带他们去看豪宅,甚至还附带私人厨师的餐饮秀。
Turns out, it's a lot more fun to be a celebrity looking for a new house than it is to be a mere mortal lining up in the hallway outside a tiny studio. In addition to elaborate dressing room smoothies, mountains of free designer garb, and assistants-with-assistants, celebrities also obtain a number of perks when it comes to real estate showings. According to Variety, the rich and Botoxed have been known to receive "aerial tours" in helicopters, "a fancy car and driver" to tote them to available mansions, and private-chef-catered showings.
Celebrities also have different expectations for their dream homes. Hollywood realtors told Variety that electronic gates and securities systems to keep out paparazzi and fans, and home gyms and yoga rooms are "all but mandatory" these days. Also in demand are hair and make-up stations, dressing rooms, office suites for all the assistants, and big parking lots for trophy car collections. Despite all of these VIP trappings, real estate agents tell Variety that sometimes even the most recognizable stars introduce themselves with fake names.
Luckily, all of this care and Champagne is not just reserved for celebrities. "When it comes to real estate, it seems, the privileges of fame are complimentary, although secondary, to those of wealth."